Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, there is a character named John Proctor. He is part of the community in Salem, Massachusetts, but lives outside the town. He isn't fond of the towns reverend, Parris, and because of this, he doesn't go to church often. He has an affair with Parris's niece, Abigail Williams. After Abigail sparks controversy in the town, John is the one that must expose the truth. I think John Proctor was a hero because although he committed adultery, he did the right thing in the end by exposing Abigail Williams about her lies. Before admitting his adultery and paying the consequence of being hung, John Proctor did things his own way. He was different and didn't agree with Parris's views of damnation and his way of other things. Because of this, he didn't become indulged in the conflict until necessary. This makes him a hero because in the end, he did what was right when he had the chance.


  1. So if John hadnt interven when he had or didnt at all would he still be a hero? Also dont you think if John hadnt had an affair with Abigail,his wife would not have been accused. Making it his fault for being in the situation he was in.

  2. You certainly make some interesting points about him being a hero. However, I do doubt the timing of him exposing Abigail of his lies, which you deemed a “heroic” action. Why did John only go to expose her when his wife was being accused of witchcraft? If you recall, when John first heard of the shenanigans that were going on at Salem, he was debating if he should go or not. Wouldn’t a hero go to Salem without even thinking about it, right away?

  3. I agree with your thoughts! But wouldn't it have been better that he admit to his crimes and expose Abigail sooner because her lies created more issues?
