Monday, May 19, 2014

Short Story Free Write

Writing can be a challenge. I don’t know what to write about at this moment. And for that, I won't format this piece. I want to write freely. The possibilities for writing can be infinite, but because of that, a single topic can be hard to choose from. I want to finish this last piece before I lose my concentration. Writing has always been fascinating to me, and I usually  I see writing as an art form; authors can create masterpieces from the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet, rearranged to tell a story or describe a historical event. Using those twenty-six letters, anything can be created. Writing has been used everywhere to tell stories that people want to hold onto physically. Those literary works are important to human culture because it shows what has happened before as well as an example of diving into the mind of a historical figure. By describing a setting, authors can create a world of their own, where the limit of possibilities is the limit of their imagination. Writing can be expansive and can require devotion not many people have, or writing can also be a hassle to those who prefer other activities. Regardless of the situation, the end result will be the product of time an individual took to create what they thought would be adored, questioned, or even challenged. It is the author’s choice of what to write about and how to go about creating their literary manifestation. Because writing is an art, many authors can make an appealing draft to fit the interests of anyone. For example, a book can be adapted to a movie for those who prefer visual performances. It all begins with writing. From the reader’s perspective, the intentions of the author can be found and personified into a character. And with those characters come interactions with the setting or other characters created. Soon, a plot is created and the character may have to overcome a challenge. But that is not always the case because an author can make their work unique, for instance, there may not even be a character. Some works of literature are simply a setting of existence with no connection to a problematic world. Only a description can be found with an impending end to a story. It is all up to the author, who would perhaps want a questionable style with mystery and open ended creations. With the different topics and genres of writing comes the freedom to incorporate whatever clashes with my thought process. Writers can plan a story with the ending already established prior to the completion of the work, while others continue to pave their literature as they continue to formulate the story. The process of writing is also long and tedious and will indubitably result in time spent or wasted, depending on the attitude of the author. By maintaining a positive influence towards writing, my effort will reflect such progress other than holding a negative and pessimistic view, where an unsatisfying piece will ultimately be created. The limitless ideas able to be used in making a prompt symbolize the infinite nature of my surroundings. With enough thought, anyone can bring their ideas into being from any method of writing. Although writing is not a universally enjoyed hobby, it opens a window of imagination like any other. A music composer may see notes on a measure as an author would see vocabulary in a prompt. The ability to bring anything imaginable to existence is given to any person alive with the capability to think and process idea by themselves. The route taken in sharing or publishing a work of art changes depending on the goal and aspiration of the individual. Writing is not art, but it is an art. The way I see it, art itself is considered to depict visualizations through the use of images while writing is describing the said images. Both styles are arts because it requires a train of thought that relies on creativity to bring something to life. Writing, however, uses the words created from different languages to tell a story. The different colors reflect the words people can use to share experiences they have had with creativity. Historical texts had a different vocabulary than texts from today, but the authors were still able to create stories, whether it was for religious, political, or entertainment purposes. Stories were created for the general public. Vivid depictions of the life of a character from a book can leave the reader questioning the truth behind it. A slight caution of knowing the truth behind a story has always given me the ability to create endings and scenarios to compare my life to. This is why I am writing. I want to emphasize and encounter with what appears to be the product of existence. I think the frequent earthquakes and solar flares were warnings of an impending apocalypse. The sun has reached its final moments and continued to shift the earth’s tectonic plates, spawning the tremors. It doesn't matter anymore. It’s over. I look outside my window, watching everyone evacuate, but there is no escape. I don't know how I ended up here. The power went out 8 hours ago, including cars, watches, and of course, electricity. The emergency alarms couldn't make a sound. At approximately 8:00 am, guessing from the position of the sun, I heard an explosion that shook the planet, creating fissures.  No one is coming for me. I accepted the fact that I'm alone. My life has consisted of me doing things for the benefit of those around me, prior to myself. All the shared experiences I've had with the people around me has brought me to this moment. I wish I can communicate with everyone I have ever known to thank them. I want to thank them for taking time out of their life to interact with me, regardless of the magnitude of conversation. Ha. Magnitude. I know the end is coming. Once the first initial tremor hit, I decided I don't want to die inside my house. I want to live as long as possible and staying in any sort of building would result in its destruction, killing me in the process. My family is gone, they've been out of town in Miami for the past week. I had a sleepless night. I couldn't fall asleep. I didn't notice the power was out because it was already nighttime and I just laid in bed, attempting to fall asleep. When the orange sunlight poured into my room, I had an instinctive feeling that I knew something would happen. There was a stillness in the air. What would usually be a morning filled with the natural sounds of birds singing and trees rustling was replaced with an eerily quiet environment. I got dressed, ate a delicious fuji apple, my favorite apple. Then it happened. The convulsion shook my house, knocking it down. I immediately went outside, carrying just a notebook and a pen in my pocket. I left my keys inside, as well as my wallet and nonfunctioning phone. It was searing hot and wouldn't turn on, so I abandoned it. Navigating through the various fissures, I began walking to the beach. The ground was vibrating constantly, following smaller explosions that I believed to be the creation of another fissure. Everyone was running outside their houses, frantically trying to get into the useless cars and attempting to use a phone with no connection. Houses were leveled, some crushed under the local train tracks. The sun had been creating an odd shade in the sky, like a deep, colorful painting in the sky every day for the past year, making a beautiful spectacle. But today, it was red. The sky no longer reflected the worlds' blue bodies of water, but instead the light of the dying sun cast a red hue above me. Upon reaching the beach, I turned around. The city behind me looked like a mountain range. Buildings destroyed. Fires poured opaque smoke into the scarlet sky. The once beautiful skyline disappeared, and left toppled skyscrapers. I can’t help but observe the morbid reality surrounding me. And of course, writing about it. Looking back at my accomplishments, I notice that I'm a determined person that prioritizes things based on their importance and beneficial effect on my life, like I said before. I prioritize my future so I can remain content because I personally see no point in wasting my experience living here as a negative, regretful being. I plan ahead so I can be satisfied with myself. At this moment, it just so happens that I'm going to die soon. Coincidentally, I was assigned to write a short story last week. I just want reassurance that I can complete one last thing before I die. I've never been a good artist, so I can't draw a depiction of whats happening. Instead, I'm using the words people created to communicate and share ideas with one another. This is my last stand as being a part of the human race. It fascinates me how many advancements have been made since the birth of human civilization. I want to write about writing because I see it as the most important form of history that can create anything. I want to put these final moments on paper so I can die knowing I finish what I start. It really sucks that the world is potentially ending like this. I always thought we'd make interstellar travel before the end of mankind. Looking back, my life has been so minuscule compared to the entirety of human civilization. I was just a small portion of the dominance help on earth. And the earth is a speck of dust compared to the infinite universe that has been awaiting exploration. The sun is darkening, becoming a deeper red. My skin begins to burn rapidly, turning pink and creating a layer of dead skin. I guess things happen for a reason. Death happens so new life can emerge. I believe regardless of life ending on this planet, a thread of new organisms will thrive elsewhere, until their inevitable end.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Work in Progress

​Writing a paper can be a challenge. Being stumped from progressing can cause unwanted stress. The possibilities for writing can be infinite, but because of that, a single topic would be hard to choose from. Writing is an art form; authors can create masterpieces from the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet, rearranged to tell a story or describe a historical event. Using those twenty-six letters, anything can be created. Writing has been used everywhere to tell stories that people want to hold onto physically. Those literary works are important to human culture because it shows what has happened before as well as an example of diving into the mind of a historical figure. By describing a setting, authors can create a world of their own, where the limit of possibilities is the limit of their imagination. Writing can be expansive and can require devotion not many people have, or writing can also be a hassle to those who prefer other activities. Regardless of the situation, the end result will be the product of time an individual took to create what they thought would be adored, questioned, or even challenged. It is the author’s choice of what to write about and how to go about creating their literary manifestation. Because writing is an art, many authors can make an appealing draft to fit the interests of anyone. For example, a book can be adapted to a movie for those who prefer visual performances. It all begins with writing. From the reader’s perspective, the intentions of the author can be found and personified into a character. And with those characters come interactions with the setting or other characters created. Soon, a plot is created and the character may have to overcome a challenge. But that is not always the case because an author can make their work unique, for instance, there may not even be a character. Some works of literature are simply a setting of existence with no connection to a problematic world. Only a description can be found with an impending end to a story. It is all up to the author, who would perhaps want a questionable style with mystery and open ended creations. With the different topics and genres of writing comes the freedom to incorporate whatever clashes with your thought process. Writers can plan a story with the ending already established prior to the completion of the work, while others continue to pave their literature as they continue to formulate the story. The process of writing is also long and tedious and will indubitably result in time spent or wasted, depending on the attitude of the author. By maintaining a positive influence towards your writing, your effort and creativity will reflect such progress other than holding a negative and pessimistic view, where an unsatisfying piece will ultimately be created. The limitless ideas able to be used in making a prompt symbolize the infinite nature of our surroundings. With enough thought, anyone can bring their ideas into being from any method of writing. Although writing is not a universally enjoyed hobby, it opens a window of imagination like any other. A music composer may see notes on a measure as an author would see vocabulary in a prompt. The ability to bring anything imaginable to existence l is given to any person alive with the capability to think and process idea by themselves. The route taken in sharing or publishing a work of art changes depending on the goal and aspiration of the individual. Writing is not art, but it is an art. The way I see it, art itself is considered to depict visualizations through the use of images while writing is describing the said images. Both styles are arts because it requires a train of thought that relies on creativity to bring something to life. Writing, however, uses the words created from different languages to tell a story. The different colors reflect the words people can use to share experiences they have had with creativity. Historical texts had a different vocabulary than texts from today, but the authors were still able to create stories, wether it was for religious, political, or entertainment purposes. Stories were created for the general public. Vivid depictions of the life of a character from a book can leave the reader questioning the truth behind it. A slight caution of knowing the truth behind a story has always given us the ability to create endings and scenarios to compare yourself. This is why I am writing. I want to emphasize and encounter with what appears to be the product of existence. We saw it coming. I think the frequent earthquakes and solar flares were warnings of an impending apocalypse. The sun has reached its final moments and continued to shift the earths tectonic plates, spawning the tremors. It doesn't matter anymore. Its over. I look outside my window, watching everyone evacuate, but there is no escape. I don't know how I ended up here. The power went out 8 hours ago, including cars, watches, and of course, electricity. The emergency alarms couldn't make a sound. At approximately 8:00 am, guessing from the position of the sun, I heard an explosion that shook the planet, creating fissures. No one is coming for me. I accepted the fact that I'm alone. My life has consisted of me doing things for the benefit of those around me, prior to myself. All the shared experiences I've had with the people around me has brought me to this moment. I wish I can communicate with everyone I have ever known to thank them. I want to thank them for taking time out of their life to interact with me, regardless of the magnitude of conversation. Ha. Magnitude. I know its coming. Once the first initial tremor hit, I decided I don't want to die inside my house. I want to live as long as possible, and staying in any sort of building would result in its destruction, killing me in the process. My family is gone. They've been out of town in Miami for the past week. I had a sleepless night. I couldn't fall asleep. I didn't notice the power was out because it was already nighttime and I just laid in bed, attempting to fall asleep. When the sunlight poured into my room, I had an instinctive feeling that I knew something would happen . There was a stillness in the air. What would usually be a morning filled with the natural sounds of birds singing and trees rustling was replaced with an eerily quiet environment. I got dressed, ate a delicious fuji apple, my favorite apple. Then it happened. The convulsion shook my house, knocking it down. I immediately went outside, carrying just a notebook and a pen in my pocket. I left my keys inside, as well as my wallet and nonfunctioning phone. It was searing hot and wouldn't turn on, so I abandoned it. Navigating through the various fissures, I began walking to the beach. The ground was vibrating constantly, following smaller explosions that I believed to be the creation of another fissure. Everyone was running outside their houses, frantically trying to get into the useless cars and attempting to use a phone with no connection. Houses were leveled, some crushed under the local train tracks. The sun had been creating an odd shade in the sky, like a deep, colorful painting in the sky everyday for the past year, making a beautiful spectacle. But today, it was red. The sky no longer reflected the worlds' blue bodies of water, but instead the light of the dying sun cast a red hue above me. Upon reaching the beach, I turned around. The city behind me looked like a mountain range. Buildings collapsed. Fires raging. The once beautiful skyline disappeared, and left toppled skyscrapers.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Principle to Keep

A principle for people to keep in apocalyptic times should be to always have a basis of communication with one another. Having a relationship with anyone when all is lost is important because there is nothing else. In The Road, the boy and his father are alone except for the bloodcults, who stick together and "hunt" whats left of civilization. Both are successful because they hold a trust between themselves. When everything and everyone ceases to exist, communicating and helping each other is an instinct that ultimately results in survival. If someone were living alone, it would be beneficial for a short period of time because there are less mouths to feed, but because we are a social species, we may end up going insane from having no communication when all is gone. The father and his son have a good relationship where they trust each other and communicate about what is right. Because of their relationship, they "carry the fire" and know what is important to survive. The relationship between the members in the bloodcults is beneficial to their survival, although it helps them and only them. In a post apocalyptic future, I would need to have any sort of communication with anyone because I know that surviving alone would be near impossible. With communication, I would be given a reassurance for hope of survival because I can establish trust between another person experiencing the same struggle.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Who I am Thankful for in 5th Period English II

I am thankful for being in the class with all my wonderful peers. I love listening to class discussions and having respectful debates over disagreements. Every student in 5th period English is a great ethic with a lot of potential and it makes me happy knowing everyone has a different, open minded perspective on any topic we are presented with. I am thankful that we can all speak our minds and share thoughts and stuff whenever we interpret a piece while still being attentive and taking others opinions under consideration. I dont know, I think its pretty cool. Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

To celebrate yourself, you must accept the way you are. You must accept that you are you and no one else can change that but you. In today's society, I rarely see people celebrate themselves and it honestly makes me sad. Nowadays, everyone is a subject to conformity and people forget who they really are. Everyone is different, but people don't seem to understand that. They do things to be like others, and end up losing themselves in the process. Everyone is unique and they should be grateful for what they have.
 I celebrate myself because I am different. I do what I choose to do. I do what makes me a better person. I don't see the point in trying to be like someone else or imitating what others do. I appreciate what I have in life, although sometimes things aren't that bright. They could be worse, but they're not. An individual should make decisions that make benefits to themselves as well as others. That's what makes each and every one of us special. We have the ability to make choose between what is right and what is wrong. We have our own opinions that make us even more special. We have the freedom to think for ourselves, too. So why do people celebrate the same people? Why do people like being the same? I honestly do not know but what I would to see in this society is people being more appreciative for what they have as well as what they can acquire. I want to see more people make their own decisions in their own life instead of being controlled by others.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe's life was pretty odd to me. I haven't read any of his literature that wasn't in the textbook, but I like his writing. It is very different than other writers because his writing was very suspenseful and mysterious. I did a quick google search to learn more about him, and I learned that before his early death at 40 years old, he was very poor, yet he still published short stories and wrote for magazines. What was really odd to me was the fact that at the age of 27, he married his 13 year-old cousin and also outlived her. Two years before her death, Poe wrote The Raven, a poem that went viral in newspapers. This poem was Poe's most famous work, and it became a bigger success after Poe's acquaintance, Rufus Griswald, wrote an obituary, attacking and accusing Edgar Allan Poe of being a bad person. He wanted revenge on Poe after he wrote negative things about his work and thought that his obituary would make the public forget about Poe, but it only drove sales of Poe's work higher than ever. I would like to read more of his work because I like his gothic-themed writing and how he makes the setting very spooky.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

What is an American?


  [uh-mer-i-kuhn]  Show IPA
of or pertaining to the United States of America or its inhabitants: an American citizen.
of or pertaining to North or South Americaof the Western Hemisphere: the American continents.
of or pertaining to the aboriginal Indians of North and South Americausually excluding the Eskimos,regarded as being of Asian ancestry and marked generally by reddish to brownish skin, black hair,dark eyes, and prominent cheekbones.
a citizen of the United States of America.
a native or inhabitant of the Western Hemisphere.
an Indian of North or South America.
a steam locomotive having a four-wheeled front truck, four driving wheels, and no rear 

This definition came from, and it formally defines American. I agree with the second definition. I think American can mean a variety of things, but to me, it means someone that inhabits the land of America. That includes North and South America. I think everyone in these continents can be considered American, technically. Within that name, there are more cultures and societies that name themselves different, depending where they live. For example, someone from Canada is Canadian. But in a more broad perspective, they are American too. No matter where someone lives, as long as its North or South America, they are considered American because they share the land that was named "America".

But if you really narrow it down, the inhabitants of the United States of America are called Americans because United Statesan sounds odd. But I could be wrong. So I guess American is our "name tag" to others, since our country is the United States of America and we live in North America

"American | Define American at" - Free Online English Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2013. <>.